Colorado Fish Report
Fishing has kind of fell off

Dolores River- Below McPhee
by Duranglers Crew
The Dolores River below McPhee Reservoir doesn’t get allocated enough water to blossom into the river it should be, but still remains a good river Keep an eye on the little water it is getting and remember every drop counts!
Water Conditions:
- Temperature: 63.86 ° F
- Streamflow: 47.7 ft³/s
- Gage height: 3.99 ft
Rising/Falling: Steady
Fishing Conditions: So the fishing over here kind of fell off. You may be walking a lot for a few fish. When you find one trout, you may find a few. Fishing may pick up closer to the dam.
That being said, all summer is hopper season on the Lower D. With clouds or rain, expect some mayflies to hatch as well!
Patterns/Bug: Nymphs: Killer Mayfly 20-24, Pheasant Tails 18-22, Black Flash Midge Pupa 18-22, Tav’s Big Mac Pupa, RS-2 18-22, Splitback PMD Nymph 16-22, Juan’s Slim Shady 20-24.
Dries: Vis-a-Dun PMD16-20, Smoke Jumper Baetis 18-22, Parachute Adams 16-22, Parachute Baetis 18-20. PMD Pink Hairwing Dun 16-18.
Hoppers 12-14: Panty Dropper Hopper, Morrish Hopper, Tan Sweetgrass Hopper, Lil Hopper Juan.
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